Welcome to Surrey Gynaecology

The journey through the various phases of a woman’s Reproductive Life can present its challenges at every step along the way. From puberty and teenage years to the Post Menopause is a continuous transition often with very little help available to explain and support women on this journey.

In most developed countries an ongoing contact with a regular, personal gynaecologist is as common and established a practice as regular visits to the dentist. In the UK this is left to the GP who often does not have the time or expertise to fulfil this role. This is an aspect of our Practice that is very much appreciated.

Often an explanation and words of reassurance to our existing/treated patients from a very experienced Gynaecology Nurse Specialist may be all that is required. This support is unlimited, always available and is a unique feature of what we provide as part of our Annual Gynaecological Health Plan.

Many women will at some point in their life experience gynaecological or hormonal issues. This is not surprising given the journey from puberty and teenage years to fertility, pregnancy & childbearing (and its consequences).

Even a common need such as contraceptive advice and an informed discussion of the available options can be difficult to access. In the 40s, symptoms like PMS can become more prevalent and then ultimately the perimenopause and the menopause.

Our aim is to fill this gap for women wanting to access Women’s Health Services. And to do so in a very personal and caring manner which is accessible, and responsive to their needs. Video (Zoom) consultations are available as well as face to face. Electronic prescriptions are issued as part of the consultation process, which can be dispensed at your local chemist.

“Making gynaecological care easily accessible”

Book a Consultation

To arrange an in-person, telephone or online consultation, or organise an electronic prescription, please telephone 01932 830872 or 07933 092879, or book online.

Payment can be made by BACS, PayPal etc,if not insured, or you do not have an authorisation number. Telephone and online consultations are payable in advance.