Women’s Health

In-Clinic Women’s Health Services

For in-clinic services such as a smear test, lost coil, or other issue where an in-person appointment is essential.

Expert (painless) smear tests
In recent years, we have had increasing requests for carrying out cervical smears because of difficulties encountered in GP services. These can include difficulty in locating the cervix and sometimes not having the right size and shape of speculum, or the technical skills to carry out what should be a relatively painless procedure.

Menstrual problems
Investigation of heavy menstrual bleeding, or irregular bleeding (with the increasing use of HRT) often require an endometrial biopsy (of the womb lining) to rule out hyperplasia and pre-cancer cells.

Mirena and coils
Removing or replacing Mirena or copper coils when the threads are not visible is also a frequent request which often can be undertaken in a clinic environment.

Care and consideration
We use generous doses of local anaesthetic injection where necessary for these procedures. This is not generally done in general practice or family planning clinics.

“Expert care and treatment”

Annual Gynaecological Health Plan

This inclusive plan provides an annual health check, advice, guidance and recommendations. Prescriptions and our professional helpline for support and reassurance are included. You might think of it as an MOT for gynaecological health and wellbeing.

Besides an annual face-to-face appointment and examination, this plan is ideal for those who have had treatment, are in recovery or would like access to ongoing support and the opportunity to ‘check-in’ if there are any concerns or worries. Gynaecology Nurse Specialist, Elizabeth, is on hand to provide expert advice and guidance.

The plan includes the issuing of prescriptions which will be sent to the local pharmacy of your choice.

Also see
Menopause Makeover

“Your annual gynaecological check and ongoing support”

Book a Consultation

To arrange a consultation, please book online or telephone 01932 830872

Payment can be made by BACS, PayPal etc,if not insured, or you do not have an authorisation number. Telephone and online consultations are payable in advance.