News & Information

At Surrey Gynaecology we make every effort to keep abreast of the latest developments in medical science and technology as well as being up-to-date with general news around gynacological matters, hormones and the menopause. Here are some items of interest:

What Makes us Fat? (And how do we lose weight)?

The traditional theory of weight gain is simply this: What we eat gets burnt up in energy expenditure or else is deposited as fat. Hence the obsession with “gym membership, boot-camps and personal trainers”!

Eat fat and lose weight?

Can a high fat diet really help you lose weight...

Information for patients having Mirena coil fitted

Some cramping is common after the Mirena is put in (like period pains) for which Nurofen or paracetamol/feminax etc... should be enough. Please see these notes for prevention of infection after the insertion of a Mirena coil.